Chapter One :Chapter 1


The pain. It's too much.

I had been beaten all day, spat on, and kicked; my hair has been pulled, and I have lost count of how many times they have pushed me to the floor. Someone thought it would be funny to dump their hot coffee on me and throw their leftover hash brown in my face because they said their coffee wasn't strong enough, and the hash brown tasted old.

My body ached, and I could feel the sting on my scalp as alpha Noah dragged me by my hair toward the kitchen.

Someone had just spilled a gallon of milk on the floor. The floor I had just cleaned not even five minutes ago. I needed to stay quiet. If I made even the slightest sound, I knew what was coming.

I gripped my hair, hoping it would ease the pain as he dragged me along. He flung me across the kitchen, making my body crash against the counter. My body ached as it hit the counter doors, and I could hear the cracking of another broken rib, making me wince from the pain.

I whimpered; my tears ran down unwillingly. "Clean this shit up—you lazy mutt. Do you have any idea how important tomorrow is for all of us? I told you this place needed to stay clean, don't test me. Got it? And start making dinner." Alpha Noah sneered, kicking me on my ribs and making me cry in pain.

I can't recall the last time I ever felt happy. It's been hell for me ever since I could remember. Ever since my mom and brother were killed in front of my eyes. Then again, maybe I deserve all this.

When I was seven, my mom, my brother, and I went out for a stroll. We had such a fun time, but we lost track of time, and we didn't notice that we had walked too close to the borders. By the time we realized it, we were surrounded by rogues. Mom sacrificed herself, waving at my brother and me and ordering us to run for it. That was the last time I saw her alive.

I could still hear her struggle. The way she tried to fight them off, but they outnumbered her. She never stood a chance.

Before my brother and I could get away, they took my brother and slashed him across his chest before my eyes. I still remember the sound of his pleading voice telling me to run as his body gave out. His thin body fell as if in slow motion before me, and I could see nothing but evil smirks plastered in those rogue's eyes.

When dad finally got there with our alpha and the other guards, a rogue had already attacked me, leaving me unconscious. My brother’s body was missing, my mom was dead, and I had a nasty scar across my right jaw and neck to forever remind me of that day.

My dad wept for their death for so long, isolating himself from me. But that wasn't all. He gave in to moonshine, which is more potent alcohol made of wolfsbane and much more lethal than the alcohol humans are used to. Equally dangerous to werewolves because it's addictive. Until one day when I turned fourteen and he left me as well.

Everyone blamed me for their death, and they were right, it was all my fault.

My name is Olivia Watson. I am part of the Silver Moon pack. I'm turning eighteen tomorrow. I could be celebrating, right? But instead, I'm here cleaning past hours. Like I do every day since the day dad died and I became the lowest-ranked in our pack. Even the other omegas look down on me.

Our alpha is not someone to be reckoned with. He's tough, and very... But I mean very temperamental. I can't say his son, Skylar, is any different. The apple didn't fall far from the tree in their case. They both hate me with passion and are not afraid to show it.

Skylar is the epitome of evil meets greed.

He's a narcissistic bipolar who loves to mess with the heads of every girl in our pack. The golden boy who everyone obeys whether they like it or not, for if not... They will suffer the consequences of his goons, Vincent and Cole, his soon-to-be Beta and Gamma.

Skylar turned eighteen about eight months ago, and he's been eager to become alpha this upcoming weekend when our alpha will pass down his title to him through the alpha ceremony.

To make it worse, Skylar has been picking on me the most these past few months. I mean, he has always treated me badly, but it's gotten worse since he turned eighteen. I don't really know what his deal is, I guess authority is making his ego grow.

I do know one thing though, I have to stay away from him, no matter what... Or I will be punished, not only by him but by his girlfriend Leah. She is even worse than him.

A pack is supposed to look after each other, or so I heard from other packs when I was still in high school. I attended a school where it was a mixture of humans and werewolves from different packs. I saw how well other pack members got along with everyone regardless of who they were...But our pack was the opposite.

Skylar and his two best friends, the future Beta, Vincent, and his future Gamma, Cole rule the school and everyone in our pack when our alpha isn't around. But it's no surprise, everyone in my pack who holds a higher rank takes advantage of their position, making the lives of others a living hell. Especially mine as I was known as the girl who got her family killed.

Alpha Noah and Skylar were especially mean to me. He’d constantly say that my dad had gone mad because he couldn't overcome the loss of my mom and brother, and got stuck with a sorry excuse of a daughter to take care of, so he killed himself.

My parents were both low-ranked, my dad was a guard, and my mom an omega. Thus, I was left with being an omega as well when I was left alone. I miss them so much. I remember when I had a happy family and a home... We didn't have much, because we were all low-ranked, but we had each other. I feel so worthless knowing alpha may be right.

I deserved to get treated however they wanted. I hadn't had a day off in months since the day I graduated high school.

Then again, I was thankful they even allowed me to finish high school because most omega's are only allowed to go to junior high and no more. I wish I could have had the chance to attend college like most kids in our pack, but I know I’m dreaming too high. I'm envious to see the older kids who turn eighteen find their mates and attend college together.

Maybe one day I could find my mate. He'll take me away from all this and we can try and be happy. I want to be happy, but the more I think about it, the more I want to cry.

I sigh as I wipe the sweat off my forehead. I glance at the clock and realize it's really late. If I don't finish now, the rest of the omegas will begin to come in to prepare dinner. We also needed to begin preparations for the meeting that the alpha has with two other packs coming tomorrow morning.

I glance at the floor as I stick the dirty rag back in my bucket. I had kitchen duty all week, and after everyone finished eating, I was responsible for cleaning the whole kitchen on my own, since the head omega doesn't like me either. She perfectly stated that the kitchen floors needed to be hand cleaned and left spotless after every meal.

The visiting pack, the Dark Moon Pack, is said to be one of the biggest and most powerful in our nation. They are very secretive, not even the king alpha dares to enter their territory without their consent.

The last time they came was when I was still small, my parents were still alive. I remember my dad had said you could feel the power they held just standing in the same room as them. The only pack that is just as powerful, if not equal to them, is their main ally, The Primords Pack.

No one knows much about the two packs other than that the Primords are the oldest in existence, and the other pack, The Dark Moon Pack, is The Primord’s most cherished ally. The Dark Moon Pack was once attacked by powerful Lycans and the primords helped them get back on their feet. They made a pact soon after and have been allies ever since.

The two packs have become the strongest duo ever since. And both packs will be arriving either tonight or tomorrow morning to attend Skylar’s ceremony this weekend. I'm scared and nervous, and my wolf won't stop jumping up and down. I just know something is going to happen. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad, but I know something is going to happen.

I groaned as I felt my sore muscles, and my back ached from being hunched over. Thankfully my ribs had already healed. Perks of being a werewolf, we heal fast.

It's not a big kitchen, but it's still a lot of work for one person to take care of on their own. This is when I miss my best friend, Desiree. But unlike me and my crummy fate, Desiree turned eighteen three months ago and she found her mate.

She cried when she found him, for he was a total asshole and just happened to be the gamma of our soon-to-be alpha, Cole. We were both shocked when he made a complete turn from his promiscuous ways and devoted himself to her.

I close my eyes and sigh as I place my hands on my knees, still sitting on the floor.

I wiped my forehead from how hot it was. Summer here can go to the three digits, even at night time.

My eyes widened as I heard the bucket topple over, spilling dirty water everywhere.

I open my eyes to see Skylar's girlfriend, Leah laughing, "Oops, didn't see you down there, Mutt. Oh, but, damn it..." she says glancing at her new white pumps, "Look at what you did? You ruined my shoes. You little bitch, do you have any idea how expensive these are?" she yells at me as if it had been my fault. She kicks me, making a big scrape on my arm, and cutting the thin fabric of my T-shirt.

I shriek inwardly as I feel the pain, but I know better than to cry in front of her. It will only boost her ego to cause me more pain.

"I- I'm sorry." I apologized, regardless of whether it is my fault or not, or I won't hear the end of it. Which also meant that Skylar would make sure I'd get a good beating for it as well if he finds out about this.

"Clean this up, idiot. And after dinner, you'll be cleaning all of my shoes, do you understand?" I nodded as I lowered my head to avoid eye contact with her.

She was far stronger than me since she got to train with Skylar and his group. I have never stepped on any training grounds other than when they need extra punching bags.

"Did you hear me?" she yells louder making me flinch. "Y- Yes." I stuttered as I hugged myself.

"And be extra careful not to try and steal any of my clothes or dirty them with the filthy shit you're wearing. I need all of my shoes back in my room before I wake up tomorrow morning, got it?" She rolls her eyes; my appearance probably disgusts her. I usually get pretty dirty from all the cleaning I have to do, but my clothes are really old and in bad shape as it is. They're full of stains and holes from being worn out.

I haven't had new clothes since my parents died, but my mom was pretty thin, and I was able to wear most of her jeans and shirts as I began to develop through these past years. The alpha allowed me to stay in our small house, but I think it was mainly because no one wanted me to sleep in the pack house.

The house was ideally taken care of when dad was still alive and sane, but there are so many repairs to be done now, including a new roof, which I can not afford.

"Leah, let's go." Skylar roars by the entrance, making both of us turn toward him. He locked eyes with me, clenching his jaw and fisting his hands. I swear his eyes looked dark for some reason. It looked as if he was debating something with his wolf.

But then the worst happens...A heavenly smell engulfed my nose. It was like a mixture of cedar and cinnamon. "Mate." my wolf yells in my mind.

"No..." I whispered, making Leah turn toward me, and give me a confused look. “What did you say, Mutt?"

"No-nothing," I say making her roll her eyes and turn back to Skylar.

"Baby, look what this stupid mutt did. She ruined my shoes," she whines, lifting her foot with the dirty shoe. It was a tiny stain, barely noticeable, but still there. He fists his hands, clenching his jaw.

"Then go change them and throw them away. Now hurry up, I don't like being late. We have to meet with my parents before dinner." he says, unwilling to look away from me. I was beginning to feel unease, like a mixture of lust and hatred, all at once as he looked at me.

I know how he is though, he is the biggest manwhore there is in our pack, and though Leah is the same, she doesn't waste time on beating the other girls he sleeps with. It's like they were a match made in heaven, and not even I will be able to break them apart. They are So perfect for each other. The future alpha and his luna.

This pack is definitely going to hell when he takes over.

"But, baby!" she responds, whining like a five-year-old, pointing towards me.

"NOW!" He grits his teeth, yelling in his alpha tone. His eyes turn dark as his wolf threatens to merge. Leah and I flinch at his reaction.

"Fine," she responds, slumping her shoulders and letting her hands fall to her side. "I'll deal with you later, you stupid mutt. Clean this up." she kicks the bucket, hitting my knee and making a bit of dirty water inside it splash my face. He looks at me angrily, not saying a word, and turns following her out of the kitchen.

"Livie! You have to go after him. He's ours, not hers." my wolf, Freya complains. I can't help but begin to cry silently.

This definitely had to be a sick joke from our goddess. "How can you ever think our future alpha, our so-called mate, could run to our side and claim us as his mate? Look at me, Freya. I'm weak, useless, an omega. If he wanted us, he would have claimed us already." I told my wolf, making her whimper.

"Instead, he's going to meet his parents to talk about Leah and him. She is his luna, Freya... Not me." I had already heard the rumor. Not intentionally, but I still did. Skylar would name Leah his luna tomorrow at the ceremony and set a date for their marriage soon after he becomes the new alpha of our pack.
